Friday, May 17, 2013

Golden Grahams S'mores

S'more's is probably my favorite sweet treat so when I found this recipe, I knew I HAD  to make it!

I wish I could make s'mores by a campfire all year long (and guilt free!). But in reality, I live in Kansas where winter time  is longer than summer time, and I've got my health to maintain.

Just some pre-post side notes:
1.) I kind of ventured away from the original recipe I found and cut that recipe in half
2.) I'm sure there's a 'prettier' way to make and present these, but my main concern was that this was going in my belly, and I was happy with it!

What ingredients I used:
4 cups Golden Grahams cereal
2 1/2 tbls butter
2 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
1/2 cup chocolate chips

First off, place the chocolate chips in the freezer to cool them off, otherwise they'll melt when you pour the melted marshmallows over them.
Put the cereal in a big bowl too.
Spray a baking pan with cooking spray, and set aside.

Melt the butter over medium heat.
Then add the marshmallows and melt them halfway
(my toddler distracted me and they wound up all the way melted)

Pour the melted marshmallows over the cereal and then stir.
Next dump in the cooled chocolate chips and fold all 3 things so that everything is evenly distributed. You should do this rather quickly because the chocolate chips melt rather quickly.

Next, pour into the prepared baking pan and place in your refrigerator.

I honestly could only wait 5 minutes before I dug in!

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