Friday, May 10, 2013

Swaddle Blankets

I don't see a lot of people using these, and I don't understand why.

There is a hole on the back so that you can use these in carseats! I love using them in the carseat when baby is a newborn and the weather is cold out.
They may look "complicated," but really they're not. It only takes about a minute!
You just place babys legs in the bottom pocket, fold over the left side (babys right side), then velcro the right side (babys left side) over.

In the carseat takes a little longer.... like a minute or two longer because you have to put in in the carseat, stick the crotch buckle through the hole, put baby in, tuck legs in the bottom pocket, then buckle baby in, THEN crossover the 2 flaps. But nothing beats a warm and cozy baby :)

Both my girls liked to be swaddled when they were fighting their sleep as newborns and receiving blankets always seem to come undone or aren't big enough. Only downside I can see is that Claire outgrew these swaddle blankets in 3 months, but by that time she was over the 'swaddle me' stage.

My Product Review: ****
(Four out of 5 stars)

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